Where can I find Fennel on social media?

Follow our social media accounts to stay up to date on all things Fennel! We use verified social media handles in order to communicate our company updates, news, announcements, and share more information about the people and purpose behind our product.

If you try to contact Fennel on social media, please be aware that Fennel will only share updates and general information using our verified handles listed below. If you see a handle claiming to be Fennel that is not listed here, please do not engage and report it to support@fennel-financials.com.

Platform Handle
Twitter @FennelApp
Facebook @FennelApp
Instagram @Fennel.App
LinkedIn Fennel’s Company Page
YouTube Fennel’s Youtube Channel
Medium @FennelApp
Fennel Blog fennel.com/blog
TikTok @Fennel.App
Reddit @FennelApp

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